OMMI Immobilier

Change of Management Company

Finding the right Management Company is not often easy: communication difficulties, lack of responsiveness, disagreements, etc. Do you have problems with your manager? Would you like to change Management Company, but don't know how?

Let us guide you through these 5 steps: 

8 months before the general meeting

The first step is to take stock of the needs of the building: do you want your Management Company to be a national or local firm? Professional or voluntary Management Company? Number of meetings required with the Management Company during the year? Willingness to start major works?

Do not hesitate to take stock of the criteria important to you and share your approach with as many co-owners as possible, in order to involve the entire co-ownership!

6 months before the general meeting

Based on your criteria, start contacting different professionals: schedule an appointment on site, take them around the building and common areas. Present your expectations and ask plenty of questions on how they operate!

At the end of your discussion, ask them to send you a proposal for management of your building.


3 months before the general meeting

Upon receipt of the various proposals, make a comparison of the contracts. Consider the terms of the contracts that are proposed to you with reference to your criteria (number of annual visits, invoicing of work fees, provision of meeting room, availability of your contact persons, etc.). Understanding a proposal is essential: do not hesitate to contact the manager to clarify the points that require it.


2 months before the general meeting 

After selecting a Management Company contract to present, send it to the current Management Company.
The item of the change of Management Company will be added to the agenda of the next annual general meeting. Contracts will be attached to the notice of the meeting.

N.B. Do not delay sending: the late receipt of a request by the Management Company could prevent the item being placed on the agenda.

The day of the General Meeting
The big day! The resolution on the choice of Management Company shall be passed by an absolute majority or majority of the votes of all co-owners, whether present, represented or absent. This majority is defined by Article 25 of the Law of 10 July 1965. The general meeting appoints a new Management Company and fixes the dates of termination of the current contract and of taking effect of the new contract, which occur at the earliest one clear day after the holding of this meeting (Article 18 of the 1965 Act).


Our advice: Any change brings its share of uncertainties and unknowns. This is why it is essential to be properly accompanied in your approach from the outset. At Ommi Immobilier Syndic, we are here to support you at every stage!


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